Sunday, October 23, 2016

Seventh day of observations. I am physically breaking down.

Its my first Sunday being 40.  I overslept.  Missed church.

N is still in bed, he usually gets up around 5 am.  Its 9:18 am now.  He had his peeps over yesterday and they watched the Cubs game.  I went to bed at 8.  Facebook kept me up to date until I dozed off about 20 minutes later.

So, its my seventh day of being 40.  This is what I have learned about 40 so far:
Its no fun:  I have a sore neck & shoulder from exercising and stretching.  I can't even move my neck completely, my range of motion is gone, its so stiff.
I can't eat or drink what I want: My lower teeth have become incredibly sensitive in the last two-three weeks.  Cold drinks shock me like a jolt of electricity!  I had a trip to the dentist this week and he applied some desensitizing agent that should last at least a month, hopefully two.  It might be the enamel wearing off, it might be exposed areas from receding gums. He said everything looked good otherwise.  Even had my third set of xrays this year for my teeth alone.  unreal.
I am tired:  Yes, I am always tired.  not lazy, tired.  Why?  I need to jump start my metabolism, because I notice older people sleep less...until they are really old, then they sleep more.  I just don't get it.
My dreams are crazier:  I had a very vivid dream that my grandmother was alive again.  It happened suddenly, she was dead but then was alive.  She needed to be with my cousin L.  That was her reasoning.  I even (in the dream) questioned how she got her body back and was tangible.  I didn't get the answer.  Mortality really is something I struggle with.  I am sure I can post about that later as I deal with my 40s.

On the bright side, I got an accepted offer on one of my properties for sale.  That rocks!  We still have a long road ahead, but I'm so happy one is under contract. Showing later today and I have a lead from Facebook that wants more information about buying vs renting.

mantra: said!
shower: done!
walk: still need to do
exercise= not doing it today
crafts-- setting the afternoon aside for crafts!!

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