Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Here we go!

I don't have much to write about today, except I feel better than yesterday, emotionally and mentally.

I am ready to crush it today, and I have decided to work on my mantra a bit more.  I went to see Tom Ferry (a real estate coach...like the #1 rated coach in the nation for real estate) in August.  He got me so pumped and proud to be a realtor.  He got me feeling more alive than I've felt for awhile.  I actually feel like I can't let him down!  There is no reason for me not to succeed, and I've been really working hard at improving my output since his success summit. 
Ultimately, my goal is to take what I learned, apply it, increase productivity so I can afford to sign up for his coaching.  I am certain it will pay off exponentially, but I don't have the means right now.

Part of the reason to document this year of 40 is to show others its going to be okay.  The other part is completely selfish.  I want to see how far I can go.  I want accountability.  If I fail, I can look back and say, "Hey, Lisa, you clown!  You spent all of November sick (again).  Didn't you do that the past 2 years?? Maybe you should change your pattern by preparing in some way that allows you to work your database without actually working??? Like focus on referrals?? duh."  Wow, I could do this...see what writing it out does for me?

Even if you aren't in real estate, take what this mans says and apply it to your life or your profession.  
This past week he reminded me of something that I needed to hear.  Especially yesterday, bummed about turning 40.  I should have been pumped, but I wasn't.

Here, take a look:

So, my head is a scary place to be.  I've had rare cancer. I'm still dealing with issues surrounding that. I'm always tired.  I'm broke.  I have bills.  I have no credit.  I need a car.  I am unorganized.  I'm not where I want to be in my life.   I'm going to go through menopause twice.  It adds up and it starts to get overwhelming.  
Guess what?  Today everything changes.  Today, I got up earlier.  I checked the expired listings immediately.  I checked my database of expireds to see who relisted with another agent. I've checked to see whose read my emails I sent out yesterday already.  I've been following the plan for expireds that I learned at the summit, and I have one listed, two have contacted me for spring already, and one appointment I went on that picked someone else.  Yeah, that happened on Sunday night...the night before my 40th birthday. That sucked.  That acted as a catalyst that started this.  

I need more.  Its going to happen.  I schedule everything, and I block time.  I started blocking time to write and journal here.  
Today, I choose my mantra and put it on my dream board.  
What will tomorrow bring?  

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