Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Pick myself up and move on.

Today I noticed my vehicle a little noisier than the day before.  My time with the beast is limited, and I know that.  I just wish I was financially more sound to be able to buy a new car.  Goals.

When life sucks, suck it up.  Nothing is going to change overnight, but it will change if I keep at it.

I need improvement.  I need to be 100%.  I need to just do it.

Still working on my mantra.  So far, I've got my tag line, because I have to believe it, which I do, but I have to say it more: I believe the consumer deserves a better real estate experience.  I truly do.

So, here's where the mantra is at:

I believe the consumer deserves a better real estate experience.
I will be that agent that goes above and beyond.
I am the best and I look out for my clients.
I will get that listing and I will sell that house because of my qualifications and experience.
People love to work with me and will recommend me to their circle.
I am a lean mean appointment setting machine!

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