Monday, October 31, 2016

Happy Halloween!
I always come up with the most best things to write about when I wake up in the middle of the night, and I don't get out of bed.  I always remember thinking, "I have to remember that in the morning," but I never do!
I started my niece's christmas present, which is a delightful pink sweater I am crocheting.
Here's the link:

I am making it in Caron's Simply Soft yarn in Watermelon Pink, and I think she will absolutely love it.  She is 4, going on 22.  I make that little girl a sweater every year, and I think she hates them all.  This one might be a good one.  The yarn is very soft and it will be a bright neon-like pink that reminds me of sugary candy.  Her 2 year old sister will get one in turquoise blue, because blue is her favorite color.  So excited to start this one.  I think I might make one for my mom and myself this year, too.  They have the same pattern for adults, but I might make ours cardigans.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Happy Sunday

Today was car blessings day at church.  So happy I decided to go to church this morning! My car needs every blessing it can get!

Frank is being stubborn, its 10 am and he still hasn't gotten up to go potty.  I have showings soon, so he is going regardless, lol!

Happy Sunday to all! I started my niece's christmas present last night...a hot pink sweater I am crocheting.  Its something I can do while I'm waiting for clients or in bed--or when I have to relax.
Also, I think I am going to make a few christmas skirts and see if I can sell them on Etsy.  I love the skirts I make myself, and I do get compliments on them.  Hoping I can make a few dollars before our little vegas excursion coming up.  My goal is to get the sweaters done before we leave, though.  I only have to do 2- one for a 2 year old and one for a 4 year old.  Tomorrow, I have plans to stop at Joanns to see if I can get a few yards of some fun Christmas fabric to make a few quickie skirts.  I'm thinking it would be perfect for work, especially teachers, people who work in churches, and even an accompianment for ugly christmas sweater parties.

ideas are flowing!
mantra- saying now
appointments- yes, today and tomorrow!
homes showing today: 6!!
mood: happy!
have a great day!

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Even though its a planned day off, I found myself sending a few emails.
I need to relax sometimes.  Even though I don't work that much, I try to get a couple hours in each day.  Sunday and Monday will be busy, I have showing appointments and it will be the end of the month, so I know there will be a lot of expireds I can send letters to.

I still have to perfect my thanksgiving postcard to my sphere and get that ordered.

On a side note:
Mantra- getting ready to be said
shower- done
frank- walked
target run- got some stuff super cheap
plans- for the day, made.
Ideas for etsy before vacation- done.  try to get to joanns on monday.

that is all!

Friday, October 28, 2016

More confused and hurt - get up and wipe yourself off

I know it doesn't look like I posted yesterday.  I almost forgot, but at the end of the day, I wrote in my ipad a post.  I'm not going to include it in the blog, because it helped me get the bad feeling out of my system.

I do feel hurt, though, when friends and family don't choose me to represent them when they decide to buy or sell a home.  I don't win every listing appointment, and some buyers go with another agent, but someone I know that  sees how hard I work, that hurts.  That's all I have to say about yesterday.

Today, I am struggling knowing its a few more days before I have to find another insurance plan.  I am at my wits end, worried about my mom, who is also getting cancelled by Humana.
I'm heading to the post office now to see if I have anything they may have sent me.  Its such a bummer.

Oh my, I almost forgot to say my mantra!!
mantra- said
expireds- went through
today-- practice my scripts and go through my tom ferry workbook again
continue reading
plan my holiday cards/gifts
work on new postcards
get some listings! I need more listings!!

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

My dreams have been so vivid lately.  I can't get away from the extreme issues of my dreams, whether it be a tornado (or 7 of them coming at once) or flying school buses or even me doing things I would never do in real life.

I don't want to wake from these dreams, either.  I keep on trying to fall back to sleep, back to that dream to continue it.  Its very weird, its been like this all week.  I struggle with that, too, because I don't want to miss any of the day.  I want to wake up, but then I want to stay in bed and sleep.

Today, I have some major work to do.  I don't have a car today, N is driving mine. So, I have big plans to organize, design my year end thankful postcards to my sphere and past clients.

Its going to be a full day.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Fear ends today.

This morning I realized I am living in Fear.  Fear of everything, and it can become overwhelming and paralyzing.

I am going to stop living in fear today.

Mantra- said!
frank- walked!
breakfast- ate!
shower- going!
appointments today-1

Monday, October 24, 2016

Rocking it.

Today I just didn't care.
I went to the office, and I did what I needed and got out.  Tomorrow, I will probably have to go and print some stuff out a bit and really work.

I really need to get my monthly newsletter out there--- I have a large email audience that needs my meatball recipe and some info on home warranties.

Mantra- said
calls- not made
expireds- letters sent and hunted
tomorrow, i want to do some door knocking.  lets keep optimistic

post office= on our way!

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Seventh day of observations. I am physically breaking down.

Its my first Sunday being 40.  I overslept.  Missed church.

N is still in bed, he usually gets up around 5 am.  Its 9:18 am now.  He had his peeps over yesterday and they watched the Cubs game.  I went to bed at 8.  Facebook kept me up to date until I dozed off about 20 minutes later.

So, its my seventh day of being 40.  This is what I have learned about 40 so far:
Its no fun:  I have a sore neck & shoulder from exercising and stretching.  I can't even move my neck completely, my range of motion is gone, its so stiff.
I can't eat or drink what I want: My lower teeth have become incredibly sensitive in the last two-three weeks.  Cold drinks shock me like a jolt of electricity!  I had a trip to the dentist this week and he applied some desensitizing agent that should last at least a month, hopefully two.  It might be the enamel wearing off, it might be exposed areas from receding gums. He said everything looked good otherwise.  Even had my third set of xrays this year for my teeth alone.  unreal.
I am tired:  Yes, I am always tired.  not lazy, tired.  Why?  I need to jump start my metabolism, because I notice older people sleep less...until they are really old, then they sleep more.  I just don't get it.
My dreams are crazier:  I had a very vivid dream that my grandmother was alive again.  It happened suddenly, she was dead but then was alive.  She needed to be with my cousin L.  That was her reasoning.  I even (in the dream) questioned how she got her body back and was tangible.  I didn't get the answer.  Mortality really is something I struggle with.  I am sure I can post about that later as I deal with my 40s.

On the bright side, I got an accepted offer on one of my properties for sale.  That rocks!  We still have a long road ahead, but I'm so happy one is under contract. Showing later today and I have a lead from Facebook that wants more information about buying vs renting.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Emergency Dental visit yesterday.. :( Life after cancer

Yep.  It can happen.
It is happening to me.

Last night, my mom asked if it was from the cancer, chemo, or just from my genes/oral hygiene.  I have a feeling its a combo of all of that.
But, can I express that I had daily chemo and lots of it...both IV and orally.  During that time, I used a sponge or a baby toothbrush (no joke) and could not floss or use listerine.  I only used Biotene when I could tolerate the taste (let's make that another topic for another day).  The chemo's main goal was to kill off my blood production so my bone marrow would reset, so to speak.  I would stop making platelets, hemoglobins, and especially we wanted my ANC to drop to as close to zero as possible.  I really feel this played a big part in my dental issues today.

Now, I've never had braces.  My teeth may not be straight, but they are good.  Since I finished chemo, I had all four wisdom teeth removed, I've had a crack in a tooth that resulted in a filling "leak" and ended up with a crown, over 5 fillings, and now I'm dealing with major tooth sensitivity.

Could I be brushing too hard?  Surely.  I've now switched to Sensodyne toothpaste.  The link below might help if anyone is dealing with sensitive teeth.  A few of mine on the bottom have become sensitive to temperature and even pressure.  Cold drinks especially send a jolt through my bottom teeth lately!

Has anyone else had dental problems after cancer?  Please share your stories here, it would be comforting to know I am not going through this alone.  Thank God for my dentist and his understanding and solutions!!

Friday, October 21, 2016

I've got a few minutes before my dentist appointment, which will not be fun, but I'm wildly excited.  For the past 2.5 weeks, I've had sensitivity in a region of my mouth to cold, and two days ago it felt awful after while eating a pretzel stick.  I hope he can fix it.  I've had no luck with my smile since cancer.  It seems my teeth are just rotting away.  I've had my 4 wisdom teeth removed,a cracked tooth that resulted into a crown, and at least 5 fillings...all since 2014.  I've had fillings re-done, too.  Its no fun, but at least I like my dentist.
Mantra- said today.

Past client called me today asking about a house she drove by.  Note has been made to keep an eye out for her-- she is awesome and feeling antsy, I can tell.  Looking for a fixer upper.  Love her!

Showing scheduled for Sunday.  :)

New client I showed a few homes to two weekends ago is working on getting their preapproval in order, and they want me to look for homes...:)

Blogging-- doing it now.

This weekend, specifically tomorrow, I plan on working on my CRM.  I really need to get it in gear.  I am loving contactually, but its costly and until my sister comes on board, I can't do it.  Insightly is okay, and my company has a crm, too, but I don't want to be tied down to that.  I'm going to try to put everything into all three-- I'm on contactually's free version right now.  Its going to do the trick, because I am going to bomb bomb everyone next week.

Lots of work stuff just said.  Hope you don't mind.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Starting my 2017 goals

I'm thinking out my 2017 goals.  I've got a few things I need straightened out-- including a new car, my health insurance is dropping me this year, and some things related to my days of having cancer.
I decided to make a comfortable $60,000 in 2017 would be approx 36 closings.
 That would be 3 closings a month averaging a mere $100,000 sales each.
 I know I can do that if I apply myself.  I know I can do that if I work my way to the point I can work more hours (I deal with fatigue, not laziness).
I know I can do that if I plan accordingly.  That would help me afford everything I need to get out of the slump and remains of being sick that I have been dealing with.  This is what I need to be successful in my head this year.

This morning, I read my mantra out loud.  I am a warrior.
My mantra is on yesterday's post.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Pick myself up and move on.

Today I noticed my vehicle a little noisier than the day before.  My time with the beast is limited, and I know that.  I just wish I was financially more sound to be able to buy a new car.  Goals.

When life sucks, suck it up.  Nothing is going to change overnight, but it will change if I keep at it.

I need improvement.  I need to be 100%.  I need to just do it.

Still working on my mantra.  So far, I've got my tag line, because I have to believe it, which I do, but I have to say it more: I believe the consumer deserves a better real estate experience.  I truly do.

So, here's where the mantra is at:

I believe the consumer deserves a better real estate experience.
I will be that agent that goes above and beyond.
I am the best and I look out for my clients.
I will get that listing and I will sell that house because of my qualifications and experience.
People love to work with me and will recommend me to their circle.
I am a lean mean appointment setting machine!

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Here we go!

I don't have much to write about today, except I feel better than yesterday, emotionally and mentally.

I am ready to crush it today, and I have decided to work on my mantra a bit more.  I went to see Tom Ferry (a real estate the #1 rated coach in the nation for real estate) in August.  He got me so pumped and proud to be a realtor.  He got me feeling more alive than I've felt for awhile.  I actually feel like I can't let him down!  There is no reason for me not to succeed, and I've been really working hard at improving my output since his success summit. 
Ultimately, my goal is to take what I learned, apply it, increase productivity so I can afford to sign up for his coaching.  I am certain it will pay off exponentially, but I don't have the means right now.

Part of the reason to document this year of 40 is to show others its going to be okay.  The other part is completely selfish.  I want to see how far I can go.  I want accountability.  If I fail, I can look back and say, "Hey, Lisa, you clown!  You spent all of November sick (again).  Didn't you do that the past 2 years?? Maybe you should change your pattern by preparing in some way that allows you to work your database without actually working??? Like focus on referrals?? duh."  Wow, I could do this...see what writing it out does for me?

Even if you aren't in real estate, take what this mans says and apply it to your life or your profession.  
This past week he reminded me of something that I needed to hear.  Especially yesterday, bummed about turning 40.  I should have been pumped, but I wasn't.

Here, take a look:

So, my head is a scary place to be.  I've had rare cancer. I'm still dealing with issues surrounding that. I'm always tired.  I'm broke.  I have bills.  I have no credit.  I need a car.  I am unorganized.  I'm not where I want to be in my life.   I'm going to go through menopause twice.  It adds up and it starts to get overwhelming.  
Guess what?  Today everything changes.  Today, I got up earlier.  I checked the expired listings immediately.  I checked my database of expireds to see who relisted with another agent. I've checked to see whose read my emails I sent out yesterday already.  I've been following the plan for expireds that I learned at the summit, and I have one listed, two have contacted me for spring already, and one appointment I went on that picked someone else.  Yeah, that happened on Sunday night...the night before my 40th birthday. That sucked.  That acted as a catalyst that started this.  

I need more.  Its going to happen.  I schedule everything, and I block time.  I started blocking time to write and journal here.  
Today, I choose my mantra and put it on my dream board.  
What will tomorrow bring?  

Monday, October 17, 2016

This is 40. Happy Birthday to me.

I'm taking a break from a bit of work, checking emails.  My only goal on my calendar today is to sell a house.  I'm trying to stay positive it will happen.
On the bright side, Friday was great.  I had an attorney email me asking if I would be interested in listing an estate sale in a neighboring town.  I also had a past seller contact me to list a rather large lot of land and wanted to get an appraisal first, which I totally recommended.  I am guessing it will be in the seven figures price range, and I don't want them to get a penny less than what its worth!

Okay, this is 40.  I feel the same, but slightly depressed.  I'm spending my lunch break taking Frank to get his anal glands expressed, nails trimmed and then I'm going to give him a bath.  I turned down Red Lobster all you can eat shrimp for lunch to care for my best friend's hygiene.

I went on a listing appointment last week, and yesterday afternoon I found out I didn't get it, they chose to go with another agent.  I wished them well, but I'm stumped why I didn't get it.  I thought I had a killer marketing plan.  I was nice, I wore makeup.  It really has bummed me out.  I thought it would be a quick sale, too.
I still need to work out today, and it might help center me and my thoughts.

I just want another 20 years to redo the past.  Happy birthday to me.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Tomorrow is the big day. 40

Today is the last day of my thirties.
I'm a bit fed up with facebook, I'll be honest.  Its a pain to read all the political crap, and I feel a bit disappointed in the majority of my friends when I see them post such stuff.  I know they can have their opinion, I just don't like it and I begin to think why we are friends, because they aren't the brightest based on their posts.

Well, 30's...good bye.  I went through a lot with you.  Cancer, illnesses, living alone, living with someone, getting a dog, growing my professional career, and learning about myself.

I think I could have done better.  So, I plan to document and force myself to achieve many goals here in my 40s.  I want to retire at 52 or before.  I can't do it at the rate I'm going now, but I am changing it all tomorrow.

Can I:
Exercise daily?
Lose weight?
Gain muscle?
Get organized?
Make money?
Enjoy my career and be the best Realtor in Northwest Indiana?
Love my life?
Be happy?

I believe the answer is YES, and I think it all starts now with my mindset changing for the best.

Stay tuned...