Monday, November 7, 2016

I think I missed a day.  Sorry about that!

This election has made me so mad, I'm trying to avoid facebook and all interweb related things.  I don't know what to think of it...and with that, I am more upset at the power celebrities have influencing people.  People form your own opinions!  Celebrities should not have so much power because they are youtubers or actors or musicians.  I am appalled by what our country has come to!!

Here I am, trying to work. Trying to make my life something good so I can afford health insurance and a car.  Just a regular car, too...not some expensive rich person's car!

I am just having a bad day, thinking how I need to be a better person and I need to work at my retirement--- having cancer made me stronger and made me a fighter, but it also wiped out any financial ability to be able to take care of myself.  All I want is for my life to go back to normal, and some days I think the worst, because I forget about hope.

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