Monday, November 7, 2016

I think I missed a day.  Sorry about that!

This election has made me so mad, I'm trying to avoid facebook and all interweb related things.  I don't know what to think of it...and with that, I am more upset at the power celebrities have influencing people.  People form your own opinions!  Celebrities should not have so much power because they are youtubers or actors or musicians.  I am appalled by what our country has come to!!

Here I am, trying to work. Trying to make my life something good so I can afford health insurance and a car.  Just a regular car, too...not some expensive rich person's car!

I am just having a bad day, thinking how I need to be a better person and I need to work at my retirement--- having cancer made me stronger and made me a fighter, but it also wiped out any financial ability to be able to take care of myself.  All I want is for my life to go back to normal, and some days I think the worst, because I forget about hope.

Friday, November 4, 2016

I am a warrior.

I am working very hard.  I have two months left in the year, and I need two more closings before I can feel confident about getting a new car.
Also, obamacare and the marketplace are ridiculous!  Its my first time dealing with this, I had a great health care plan (that I paid for, out of pocket), and the insurance company cancelled my plan.  I'm so disgusted over now I'm shopping for insurance plans and I can't believe what they are costing-- and the lack of coverage in my state--- the plans are absolutely awful, honestly.

I think I have to contact a private insurance company to see what non-marketplace plans are running.

I have a busy day planned, and meijer is my first stop-- picking up 4 boxes of cheerios and bananas for crazy cheap!!  Yes, I clip coupons and will as long as I can.  We have maybe ten boxes of cereal in our stockpile, but they are on sale for 99 cents and I have 50 cent off coupons.  so, I'm getting the limit.  I want more, but I don't need them and I don't have enough coupons to do the 50 cent super cheap price.
Now, off to work!

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Dealing with Mortality

I am having a terrible time dealing with what happens when we die.  Lately, it just seems to be something I keep thinking about.  I wish we knew.  I wish it was easy...we go here, there...somewhere.  We continue to exist.  My fears grow every day that we no longer exist and I don't exist...I can't imagine it no matter how hard I try.
I can't imagine not existing.  I can't imagine being no longer my soul, if that makes sense.

I find myself up late at night, well, I don't sleep through the whole night.  I get horrible hot flashes, and my mind doesn't let me sleep.  So, I think...too much.  Lately, I keep thinking about the afterlife, if one exists.

Death is my biggest fear, yet its something that we all will face and experience.  We all are guaranteed death.  If my mind stops, what happens next?  what happens to my soul?  Its too much for me to deal with.

Hey, I said my mantra this morning with power!  I have two listings coming out in the next couple weeks that are going to be what takes me to the next level.  I'm really excited, and I've gotten a reduction on another listing, so I hope it moves soon, too.  I need it to, for my clients.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Two weeks in

Just 50 weeks to go until I am over 40...and 41.
This year will fly by, I just know it!

The weather is changing, and that is making it harder for me to get up at a normal time.  I still haven't showered and its after 10 am.  I am starting work after this, but I am excited to work from home today. I spent sunday and yesterday showing homes, so its nice to not have to leave and get administrative stuff done.  Should just take a few hours.
I already have a client that wants to see a home on Thursday, and I have a seller that wants to meet in two weeks to list their home.  Today, I can get all that paper work done.  I also have a lot of expireds, because its the first of the month.  A lot of listings will have their contract dates expire at the end of a month.  So, when I start work, the hot sheet will post all the expireds of the day, and those are the ones I will send letters to later.  I already have lots of envelopes and letters ready to go in anticipation.  Tomorrow, they will each be sent a postcard, too.  Then, again on Friday, I will send another postcard.

That reminds me, I really have to finish my 2016 Thank You cards to send the week of thanksgiving.  i also have to order my calendars to get mailed in December.  I'm waiting for some money to come in to really afford those, but these cards and calendars will help me touch a lot of people, and that should help my business soar in 2017.