Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Credit where credit is due.

Today, on my YouTube page I had the above podcast as a Recommendation:
The Brink of Midnight Podcast #14 Joey McIntyre-- on the moment when everything changed.

I don't want to spoil it.  I'm sure it showed up because I recently went to my first New Kids on the Block concert EVER--and the boys consumed my life from 8th and 9th grade.  I wanted to re-acquaint myself to the music, as it had been 20 years since my crush on Joey was the only thing I thought about.  I remembered all their names, but I wasn't sure I would remember the songs.  My family all loved NKOTB and we had to share the cassettes.  Yep, share.  We made copies but the original was shared.  We would tape the songs off the radio, too.  I digress.
I'm sure this is why this was recommended.

Downloaded it and listened to the podcast in the car as I was driving today-- its a long one, but even if you weren't a fan, everything talked about is something you could relate to---and the ending was incredibly real.  Maybe it was my memory of the day of the Boston Marathon in 2013.  I wasn't there, but I was inpatient at Rush getting a start on a new chemo regimen, so I remember that day like it was yesterday.  I remember watching the television all day and for the next few days...non-stop.  Of course, I was in a hospital room strung up to my machines and being monitored every hour...a prisoner of my own health.  The feeling was so real and it was gut wrenching.  I couldn't stop watching the reports or the news that week.  Maybe it took my mind off my own issues.

The other thing Joey talked about that just struck a chord in me was that he believes "Nothing is Random".  How true, in so many ways.  Again, I can go back to the day I almost died.  I can think of so many things that happened in my life that either fell apart or came together...either way, it wasn't just coincidence...it was put out in the universe and  whether you believe in God or the 3 fates, it happened for good or bad or something inbetween.
life is funny how it happens, but nothing is random.  Well articulated, well put, and really made an impact on me today.

I highly recommend a listen.  I have now become a subscriber to this podcast and I can't wait for more amazing stories.

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