Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Credit where credit is due.

Today, on my YouTube page I had the above podcast as a Recommendation:
The Brink of Midnight Podcast #14 Joey McIntyre-- on the moment when everything changed.

I don't want to spoil it.  I'm sure it showed up because I recently went to my first New Kids on the Block concert EVER--and the boys consumed my life from 8th and 9th grade.  I wanted to re-acquaint myself to the music, as it had been 20 years since my crush on Joey was the only thing I thought about.  I remembered all their names, but I wasn't sure I would remember the songs.  My family all loved NKOTB and we had to share the cassettes.  Yep, share.  We made copies but the original was shared.  We would tape the songs off the radio, too.  I digress.
I'm sure this is why this was recommended.

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Oh Krap, I've neglected this blog.

Yes I have.
Its okay, I am a blogging gal and I will again have time to blog another day.

I've been so tired, its something I struggle with daily.  Its worse sometimes, for no reason.  My blood is good, and I'm more active than ever before.
Its summer, so its been busy with work.
I've also calculated the most homes I can show in a day is 7.  I can't do one more home...I can't mentally or physically take it.  Of that, the most clients I can see and not lose my sh%t is 3.  
Tomorrow, I meet 3 clients.  Even though one is a closing, its a client meeting.  Another, we are meeting at a home to sign a counter offer.  A third, I am writing a back up offer. 
Of that, I feel like its not a true 3-- I'm not showing homes to perspective buyers to all 3 clients--yet, its all I can take.  So, there is gap in my work day from 10 am -4 pm.  I can't meet with anyone else.  Each meeting I have right now should take about 30 minutes with each client...so I'm working 1.5 hours tomorrow but I just can't do it.
Realizing your limits (mentally and/or physically) is part of being an adult.  
I always try to go above and beyond, but when it comes to customer service, I can't chance it.
If i lose my s$%t to a client, its not good and will result in a loss for me.

Happy fourth of July.  Please take a moment to think of the history of this country, and how much work it was to get here.